Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
The SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years is a statutory guidance for all organisations that work with and support children and young people with educational needs and disabilities.
What is a SENCo?
A Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO for short) is a teacher that aims to help you and others understand what your child needs to make their learning easier. A SENCO helps to spot these needs and can put in place, or make referrals for, relevant support to help your child succeed.
At Woodchester Playgroup we have a dedicated SENco, Cherril Wenban. Cherril has a Cache Level 3 SENCo qualification.
"I am passionate about my role at Woodchester Playgroup as the SENCo. I believe that every child should have a positive and happy learning experience, and that this starts at the Early Years level as the foundation stage. It is very important that early identification is made and help, plans, resources, and strategies are put in place for your child to be school ready.
My responsibility is to ensure all practitioners within the setting fully understand their responsibilities to children with special educational needs (SEN), and the settings approach to identifying and meeting SEN.
Your child may not be diagnosed with a disability or special education need, but they may be showing signs of struggling to achieve in a specific area of learning, or as a parent you may have your own concerns and need some advice and I can signpost you to outside agencies, charities or online forums.
As a SENCo it is my responsibility to liaise with parents, your child’s key worker and outside professionals or agencies, to put in place help and strategies or resources and if needed, make referrals that you and your child may benefit from to make learning more enjoyable.
I work closely with parents and ensure you are involved throughout and that your opinions and beliefs are fully met by the setting. I will arrange regular review meetings and I am available to speak to should you have any concerns or questions."
If you have any questions you can contact Cherril on senco@woodchesterplaygroup.co.uk
For more information on SEND, please see the NHS website